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3 months later and i retract my previous statement this game was just TOO adicting and i wansnt able to put it down, i spent so long that i lost my job, my friends and family left me becuase i wasnt making time for them, or myself, my hygene level slipped, i stopped going outside, i fell into a "The Gem Heist" cult which made me belive various awful things, luckly i have been able to work my way out of this mess and my life has gotten better over time, i started going outide, excercising, talking to people and more, the joy i got from bonding with the charecters gave me joy, but it also made me dependent on those social interactions and the wonderful story that lifted me up off my feed and gave me life, but it wasnt real, none of it was real and i lost touch with reality, with what really matters, my REAL friends and my REAL family, my real life, so i come here to warn you that this game will drag you into a unending spiral of dispair and you shouldnt play it dispite the stunning visuals, engaging gameplay loop, interesting dynamics, fun story and more great traits as it will END YOUR LIFE if you arnt as lucky as me.


A concerned

This game saved my life. I was in a really dark place, and the joy of playing this game, the bond I formed with the main character, helped me so much. I don't know how I could ever repay you.